READI 2.0 Project Intake Form


READI 2.0 has launched! In September 2023, the State of Indiana and the Indiana Economic Development Corp (IEDC) announced the timeline and application process for READI 2.0 funding. This is another incredible opportunity to fund large, transformational opportunities in the Evansville Region! 

Economic development projects happening in the Evansville Region are invited to share project information via this intake survey. The survey is open to any project that is considered a capital or infrastructure investment; unlike the first round, the State will not allow programmatic projects in READI 2.0. 

At this time, the EREP team and our LEDOs are focused on the READI 2.0 application process and will not be meeting with or vetting projects until after the award announcement, which the IEDC has stated will happen in April 2024. Project partners will be contacted for additional information or questions by an E-REP or LEDO team member after that point. If your project is not interested in waiting until that time but is interested in other economic development assistance, please contact Josh Armstrong, SVP of Economic Development at EREP at

Please note that survey submission does not guarantee READI 2.0 funding, and once award announcements are made to regions, additional information and updates will likely be required. EREP acknowledges that this is early in the process, so project leads are providing the most accurate information possible, but numbers, timelines, and other details will likely change in the coming months. 

The READI 2.0 awards are being funded by the State of Indiana. Please review the Policy Requirements before submitting this form to make sure your project is in line with the policy before continuing. In addition, your project should be able to explain how it will advance the goals of Talent EVV, our regional strategy.

We recommend looking over the questions (via PDF) ahead of time and gathering the relevant information ahead of time, so you can complete the form in one sitting. The form does not save the work if you leave and come back to it at a later time.

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We're sorry but this form/survey is no longer accepting responses. If you have questions or believe this is an error, please contact us.


Evansville Regional Economic Partnership

(812) 423-2020