$180,000 in Grants Awarded by the Women’s Fund of Vanderburgh County

$180,000 in Grants Awarded by the Women’s Fund of Vanderburgh County
The Women’s Fund of Vanderburgh County awarded $180,000 in grants to six nonprofits. The 2024 grant recipients represent a variety of organizations serving the needs of Vanderburgh County.
- $50,000 to Cancer Pathways Midwest to provide mental health support for anyone impacted by cancer
- $50,000 to St. Paul’s United Church of Christ to support the St. Paul’s feeding ministry focused on reducing food insecurity in the Lamasco neighborhood
- $20,000 to Meals on Wheels of Evansville to support a food-rescue program providing surplus fresh fruit and vegetables to residents living in food deserts
- $20,000 to Tri-State Food Bank to support a food-rescue program providing surplus fresh fruit and vegetables to residents living in food deserts
- $20,000 to Impact Evansville to support the completion of the Bedford Collab renovations as an economic development strategy in the Tepe Park neighborhood
- $20,000 to Southwestern Healthcare to renovate the kitchen in the Stepping Forward for Women recovery home
Since its inception in 2007, the Women’s Fund of Vanderburgh County has focused the efforts of women philanthropists to create positive social change by funding projects that address current needs in the Vanderburgh County community. The Women’s Fund Endowment is a permanent resource created to address the changing needs and priorities in our community. By building the Endowment, women philanthropists of today are building a long-term source of support for future needs.
For additional information about the Women's Fund, or to become a member, contact Sarah Wagner at 812.429.1191, ext. 105, or swagner@communityfoundationalliance.org.